Wednesday 15 January 2020

summer learning journey:dancing queens 3.

I did not enjoy any specific tasks, I liked about 75 percent of the activity.
one of the main ones I did not like was the one about Steven Adams,
I did not enjoy this one because it was kind of boring.
3 things that I learned is that.
Venus Williams still plays tennis.
20 and 40 hour famines are done to raise money for charity.
Michelle Obama is a former first lady.
the only change I would make to the programme is that I would make it be 2 activities instead of 3.
and now the summer learning journey is officially over.

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  1. Hi Liam,

    Wow, what a journey it's been for you! Congratulations for finishing the whole Summer Learning Journey. You've done such a great job throughout these 60 activities having a go and putting in all your effort! Well done for making it to the end.

    That's great that you found most of the SLJ activites enjoyable. I'm sure the team who created the activities will be happy! Is there any sort of group or topic that you can separate your favourite activities into? For example; making posters, watching videos, creating something new, talking about yourself or stating your opinion. I'd love to know!

    Before the Summer Learning Journey, I never knew who Serena and Venus Williams were. I actually really enjoyed looking over blog posts and learning more about sports despite not liking sport too much. Don't you find it so amazing that they were sisters playing the same sport together?

    The 20-40 famine was also something I never knew. Do you think it's a good idea? I personally think it's a really good idea and a once in a lifetime experience. I remember commenting on your post about it, and I still think you are so thoughtful and kind to give up a lot of your time to help others :).

    Thank you for your feedback, and I'm glad you enjoyed the journey! One more time, congratulations on finishing the Summer Learning Journey. Now you can go ahead and comment on other peoples blogs to encourage them! Have a happy and safe holidays :).

    ~ Gargee

  2. Hello Liam,
    Congratulations for completing the whole Summer Learning Journey programme! 60 activities, that is a lot of time and effort put into this amazing programme. I am so proud that you have worked so hard over the summer to improve your learning. I also enjoyed the activities. I am so excited to see you commenting on other peoples blogs. I think if I were to pick my favourite Summer Learning Journey activity, it would be the last one because I get to reflect on some of my greatest and funnest posts. Are you going to participate in the SLJ next summer? Once again, congratulations on finishing the Summer Learning Journey! Enjoy the rest of your summer :).

    Vitaraag :D

  3. Hey Liam,

    Woohoo! Congratulations on making it to the final activity of the Summer Learning Journey. You have put in so much time over the summer to continue your learning and complete the SLJ activities. You should be so proud of yourself, I definitely am.

    I am so glad to hear that you enjoyed the programme this year.
    I cannot wait to make my way through the rest of your posts as we have a lot of catching up to do. There is one activity that I cannot seem to track down, W3 D4, Activity 3. This activity asked you to create a poster of “feelings words”. Do you remember doing this activity? Be sure to upload it and let me know so that I can officially make you a programme finisher.

    I just wanted to congratulate you one last time, Liam. This is such an incredible achievement that you have made.

    You are a superstar!
    Megan :)


  4. Ata Mārie Liam,

    Congratulations on reaching the end of the SLJ - that is an amazing effort! I’ve enjoyed reading your posts over the last couple of weeks and always loved the moving pictures you added. I also really like your honesty and feedback in this final post - that is helpful for us here at the SLJ. It’s so great to hear you’ve learnt some new things. The SLJ is such a great opportunity for you and all the other young people participating, and i’m really glad you’ve taken that opportunity and spend time doing the activities.

    Just a reminder to please check the comments we have left on your posts as there are a few activities that you’ll need to edit to get the full points available :)

    Again, congratulations on finishing! Enjoy the rest of your summer and have a fantastic year ahead.

    Eliza :)

  5. Hello Liam

    Yay! You completed the Summer Learning Journey. I cant wait to read more of your amazing posts. You are a complete star Liam. I am super proud of how much effort you have putted on compeltting the Journey. Keep up the phenomenal work Liam.

    You rock Liam

    -Pao :)

  6. Ahiahi Mārie Liam,

    A very big congratulations on making it to the final activity of the Summer Learning Journey. I have really enjoyed reading all of your blog posts over this summer, especially the funny gifs that you add to some of your blog posts, they really put a smile on my face!

    It is really nice to hear that you have enjoyed doing the programme this year and we really appreciate your feedback about what we can in the future. You have shown great effort over this summer and you should be very proud of all your hard work.

    Check out our awesome Twitter feed, you might see one of your own posts or some of your friends! You can use this link to go onto people’s blogs and leave them some comments too!

    Here is the link:

    Well done, I hope you have a wonderful rest of your summer break!

    Ngā Mihi,
    Kueni :)


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