Monday 6 January 2020

summer learning journey:screen legends 3.

I think I would do a 20 hour famine to raise money for charity,what I would to is just watch tv and sleep for the 20 hours so I don't waste energy and I would only walk if I had to go toilet.
I have never done something like that.
the longest I have ever spent without eating was probably when we wen on a plane to america and I ate all my food way to quickly and did not eat for about 7 hours.

1 comment:

  1. Kia Ora Liam,

    I'm so happy to be back on your blog! How have you been over these holidays?

    I think it is so kind and considerate of you to want to participate in the 20-40 hour famine. It is such a great idea to help raise money for charity to help those in need, and I really hope in the future we can help in even bigger ways :).

    I think that it is a really cool experience and once-in-a-lifetime experience that you never want to miss. Do you think it is? I have also never done something like this before, but I also would try do it. It's always good to try something new, right?

    I think that is very clever of you to just rest all day to save energy! 20 hours is a lot of time to not eat anything, so I find it incredible that you're willing to do it to raise money. The best thing is; you give up something to receive something even better.

    That is still a really long time to not eat! Well, at least you learned your lesson; don't eat your food too quickly!

    Keep up the blogging Liam, I really enjoy reading and commenting on your posts!

    ~ Gargee :)


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