Friday 1 May 2020


here is how to make a parachute.

here is what you need.
a empty milk bottle.
a empty carton of eggs.
some string.
and a plastic bag.

1. Cut the milk bottle in half with scissors.
Keep the bottom half and throw the top half in recycling bin.
2. Cut the egg carton in half using scissors and throw the other half in the recycling bin.
3. Get the bottom half of the milk bottle and make 4 holes on each side big enough to fit some string through it.
4. Cut 4 even pieces of string (about one arm length)
5. Tie each string onto the milk cartons.
6. Tie the other end of the strings to an eco-friendly plastic bag.
7.Put the egg carton inside the milk bottle and put whatever you use to test it. I used a golf ball first and then an egg.

it works a lot better when in it windy.

here is a video of my parachute with the egg.


  1. Nice job, Liam. A clear set of instructions and laid out in an easy to read format. I guess the next time you could try releasing it from a higher level perhaps?

    1. Hi Mr P, thanks for commenting on my blog.
      That was the highest point in my backyard I could find so there was no better point to do it.
      blog ya later.

  2. I am definitely going to try this at home myself. So glad you have written a clear set of instructions.

  3. wow that was a col paruchte and I might make a parachut too

  4. Wohoo! Well done. I love the clelebration wohoo at the end. A great design of egg parachute - and good easy to follow directions. Good idea to use a golf ball instead of an egg while in the trial stages. Do you have any top tips for anybody else making your parachute or designing their own?


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