Thursday 26 March 2020

writing piece 3.

I began sprinting to the train as it started to fly, slowly I jumped as far as I could…
Boom!! I gripped my greasy sweaty hand on the side of the train, the train started to go at light speed, It soon became to hard to grip my hands on it.
the windows started to creek and crack.
All of a sudden everything went dark, I felt my body being pulled into the train...

I woke up tired and sweaty.
sitting on a empty train.
But then finally the train stopped moving...

Hanging on


  1. Thank you for putting in the part two of the story Liam. You have written from the boys perspective with great detail and vivid imagery. You have a great knack for leaving the reader hanging on for more. I feel a part 3 coming on...
    Hope you are staying safe and busy over this time. Kia Kaha.

  2. Oh no! What is going to happen next?
    Once again, you have captured your audience and taken them on an adventure - fantastic writing Liam!

  3. hi Liam your writing is so go keep up the good work.
    blog you later


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